山本 逸ニ


Mr. Itsuji Yamamto

Joined the All Japan Osteopathic Association in 1989 and served as a lecturer, education director, and head of the education department. Became a JOF-certified osteopath in 1998 and served as a JOF examiner from 1999 to 2001. Since 2008, has been the Nagoya branch manager of the same association. Not only teaching at the Nagoya branch, but also providing instruction to other branches. In 2015, left the All Japan Osteopathic Association and established the AT Still Sutherland Osteopathy Study Group to aim for global-level education and the development of osteopaths.

To raise the level of osteopaths in Japan, international seminars are held by inviting osteopaths from abroad.

Furthermore, since 2012, was permitted by Dr. Jealous to form a study group and teach biodynamics (requiring over 1,000 hours of courses from Dr. Jealous through OCA, SCTF, and OPC).

In 2014, appointed as an instructor for Jim Jealous’ Biodynamics Phase courses in the United States.

In 2016, appointed as an instructor in a BioBasics study group in New Hampshire, USA.

• Completed BioBasics Modules 1 to 10 under Dr. Jealous

• Completed Biodynamics Phases 1 to 9 (the first Japanese to do so)

• Completed the Biodynamics Pediatric Course, Phases 1 to 3

• Studied under Dr. Jealous from 2000 to 2021


Completed a master’s program at The John Wernham College of Classical Osteopathy (formerly Maidstone College of Osteopathy).

Member of the American Academy of Osteopathy, International Affiliate

Member of the Institute of Classical Osteopathy

Member of the Osteopathic Cranial Association

Passed the OCA Proficiency Examination


– Dallas Osteopathy Study Group (R. Becker)

– ASSSG (Dr. Wells)

– SOS (Dr. Stiles)

– Dr. Fulford Study Group (Dr. Eschtruth)

– Dr. Blackman Study Group

Studied under Dr. Herb Miller from 2004 until his passing.

Representative of A.T Still Sutherland Osteopathy Study Group

From 1994 to 2001, participated in four overseas training sessions at KCOM (Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine).

Passed the Basic Course examination certified by the Cranial Academy under Dr. Frymann in 1999.

Took the Intermediate Course certified by the Cranial Academy under Dr. Frymann in 2000.

Took the Advanced Course certified by the Cranial Academy under Dr. Frymann in 2001.

Participated in the Instructor Course certified by the Cranial Academy in 2014.

Passed the Basic Course examination certified by the SCTF (Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation) in 2013.

Took the Intermediate Course certified by the SCTF in 2012.

Took the Advanced Course certified by the SCTF in 2013.

Participated in the Instructor Training Course certified by the SCTF in 2015.

Participated in the Instructor Training Course at the Cranial Academy in 2014.

Completed the Postgraduate Course in Classical Osteopathy in the UK in 2004 and became a member of ICO that year.

Became a member of the Cranial Academy in October 2015.

Passed the Cranial Academy’s Proficiency Examination in June 2016.

In February 2017, became the first Japanese to be selected as a table trainer in the Introductory Course of the Cranial Academy.

• Completed all courses of the Michigan Manual under Dr. Greenman at Michigan State University, including the Greenman Protocol.

• Completed all Sutherland work under Ann Wells at ASSSG (A Still Sutherland Study Group).

• Completed BioBasics Modules 1 to 10 under Dr. Jealous.

• Completed Biodynamics Phases 1 to 9 (the first Japanese to do so).

• Completed the Biodynamics Pediatric Course, Phases 1 to 3.

• Studied under Dr. Jealous from 2000 to 2021.

• Completed all OMT courses under Dr. Stiles.

• Completed LAS Basic and Advanced Courses at DOSG (Dallas, USA).

• Completed Basic and Advanced FPR courses under Dr. Schiowitz.

• Completed Basic 1, 2, and Advanced Courses of Dr. Fulford’s work under Dr. Paula.

• Attended courses on Visceral Manipulation by Drs. Rosing and Barral.

• Completed Still Technique courses (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced) under Dr. Van Buskirk.

• Completed Zink Technique.

• Completed SCS courses under Dr. Yates.

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