Mission Statement

Mission Statement

Tokyo School of Osteopathy (TSO) is dedicated to providing a pathway to a comprehensive osteopathic education for Japanese students in accordance with the benchmark for international training in Osteopathy as outline by the World Health Organization (WHO).

We endeavor to teach Traditional Osteopathy as envisioned by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still and passed down through work of various osteopathic educators with special emphasis on the lineage of teaching and contributions through Dr. WG Sutherland to Dr. Rubie Day, Dr. Rolin Becker, and Dr. Anne Whales and on to Dr. James Jealous.

The purpose TSO create a pathway for Japanese students to study osteopathy and reach the designation of Osteopath so they may be recognized internationally and continue to enroll in post graduate level Osteopathic courses in Japan and throughout the world.


Features of TSO

TSO is an 8-year part-time school offering 4200 hours of coursework in accordance with WHO standards.
For those holding medical-related national licenses, the coursework is 2200 hours.
Classes are a combination of online and in-person sessions.
You can learn Biodynamics Osteopathy founded by James Jealous D.O.
The faculty includes Principal Stephen Kisiel D.O. and other instructors qualified in teaching Biodynamics.
Coursework hours from previously attended osteopathy schools and past courses are also recognized.

Admission Information

Admissions for this year have closed. Those considering enrollment for next yeard, please apply here.
Prospective students can participate in online classes with Principal Steve and in-person biomechanical courses.
We will inform you about the available classes and future schedules.

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